VIP private luxury jetliners are airborne palaces. And this year’s magic carpet ride has been seriously upgraded.
These days it’s so awe-inspiring to have your head in the clouds, but only if you’re doing it in your own private luxury jet. And only if the plane’s interior has been customized to suit your personal tastes, wants and needs. Prices for customized planes range from $20 million to well over $400 million. Yes, that’s right, four hundred million! One particular private jet costs $403 million prior to any interior customization.
To get a clear idea of such plane panache, take a look at these state-of-the-art aircraft interiors that celebrate jaw-dropping, personalized luxuriousness, thereby skyrocketing VIP aviation into a whole new stratosphere.
The Living Room

Whether you prefer a sleek, modern retro vibe.

Or some art deco opulence.

Or a living room with earth tone colors and rich leathers that accentuate shiny wood varnishes. Accompanied by modern-shaped furniture that simply rests in its own fabulousness.
There are no restrictions, no limits on any airborne palace that you wish to create. A no fly zone simply does not exist.

Whatever your design preference, a private jet that reflects your own, hands-on personalization awaits in the wings.
The Bar
Add some groovy curve appeal and teal color, and you’ll be sitting with your head in the clouds in the world’s most elevated 70s throwback bar.
Add in some florescent colors and you’ll experience that high-end 80s’ retro bar scene. 40,000 feet in the air.
The Office

Sitting at your desk and sending out emails while jet-setting around the world will never be so effortless.
Have a library on board. You’ll initially read about those destinations over which you’ll eventually fly and, perhaps, later land.
The Bedroom

Envision this king size bed that is made for the modern day princess and her prince.

Design some sleeping quarters fit for a queen that will keep the airborne palace grounded in luxury.

Create a master suite with a California king size bed.
The Bathroom

Incorporate a modern bathroom with double sinks, fine wood veneers, stylish stonework and walk-in shower. You’ll be rinsing off as you fly over the bluest of oceans.

Have that master bath with a double-size shower and heated marble floors that will leave no want to be desired.
The Dining Area

Feasting amongst the clouds will never look so tasty.
Or be so roomy.

Lounge around in an expansive interior that boasts 4,800 square feet. That’s more than enough space for you and 30 of your closest friends from around the world to walk on sunshine.

Experience a stately dining room that can be converted into a corporate boardroom if need be.
The Theatre

Enjoy a private multimedia theatre.
As you have seen, when it comes to luxury air travel, the sky is the limit; soaring above the clouds has never been so seamless; and walking on sunshine never so doable. And to think that these high expectations have been brought to even newer heights by the aforementioned private luxury jets. What’s next? Floating space palaces that slip the bonds of the world to journey beyond the stars? Can you see that, Major Tom?