Architect Luciano Pia has redefined the concept of an urban jungle with 25 Verde, his treehouse-like renovation of a 63-unit apartment building in Turin, Italy.
While 25 Verde is visually arresting, beauty is not the project’s chief objective—environmental consciousness is. The building utilizes geothermal energy for heating and cooling, harvests rainwater to care for the various species of plants and shrubs that adorn it. The greenery will produce 150,000 liters of oxygen per hour and absorb 200,000 liters of carbon dioxide per hour at night. Additionally, The 150 trees that coexist with 25 Verde’s wood and steel facade will protect residents from noise and air pollution.
Aesthetically, 25 Verde is said to provide an enchanted oasis on an otherwise tedious block. Rather than gutters, one sees carefully wrought tree-branches. Instead of window boxes, Pia has opted to let foliage run wild. Residents of top-floor apartments will have access to private green roofs.
Photos courtesy of DesignBoom