steven spielberg house

Allie Early

Steven Spielberg Leases Out Broad Beach Oceanfront Compound for $150K


In summer of 2013, director and producer Steven Spielberg and his wife Kate Capshaw put their lovely oceanfront estate on the market for lease at $125,000 per month. This year, it’s up for the summer again at $150,000. Any takers?


With seven bedrooms, nine bathrooms and a pristine guesthouse, this property is a great place to lounge, feast and party this summer! Incredible ocean views, a private strip of beach, a back patio, a pool and spa, a massage room and a truly cozy library are just a few of this residence’s impressive amenities.

Steven Spielberg broad beach

You’ll be in the companies of other celebrities, too. Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, Dustin Hoffman, Danny DeVito and others own homes along Broad Beach.

Photos and details courtesy of The Real Estalker, The Agency

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Articles By Steven Spielberg Leases Out Broad Beach Oceanfront Compound for $150K

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