There is a new offering on the table for those in that elite group of real estate buyers in the market for a private island.
Little Bokeelia Island near Boca Grande, FL has gone on the market for $29.5 million.
The island was originally developed in 1928 by Charles Burgess, the man behind the Duracell battery. Tom and Elizabeth Munz now own the property that includes a 6,400-square-foot main home with four bedrooms and five baths. The island also has a guest home, caretaker’s house, waterfall and koi pond.
There is potential for added development as well. The island has 29 additional waterfront lots that the current owners decided not to develop. However, the utilities are in place to start adding homes on the land.
While the market may be small for the island, there have already been interested suitors. Agents say they’ve been getting questions about the nearest location to land a 747 jet.
Even if a buyer chooses to develop some of the island, much of the natural beauty will remain. The surrounding land is publicly owned land that is prohibited from development.
Source: Huffington Post; Photo: Christie’s
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