Lisa Optican Dishes On The Latest Los Angeles Market Trends And... A seasoned attorney, former property developer and luxury estates director with Compa[...] September 17, 2018 / Alejandra Tenorio / Tags: California, haute agent, Haute Residence, Lisa Optican, real estate news
Lisa Optican: LA Real Estate Remains Strong, But Shifts Are On... Just like the balmy weather that enshrouds it, Los Angles is a real estate market tha[...] July 31, 2018 / Dima Vitanova / Tags: LA, LA real estate, Lisa Optican, Los Angeles
Lisa Optican: Building Successful Career On Positive Thoughts And Hard Work Lisa Optican talks about her ascent into real estate from property development and la[...] June 26, 2018 / Dima Vitanova / Tags: compass, LA, LA real estate, Lisa Optican, Los Angeles real estate, marilyn monroe