Penthouses: High-Rise Palaces In Miami, New York And San Francisco Highlighted Haute Residence headed to the sky today with a "Penthouse Wars" webinar featuring som[...] June 19, 2020 / Andres E. Caceres / Tags: 181 Fremont, 57 ocean, Big Apple, California, Christie's, Christie's International Real Estate, compass, Compass real estate, Edgardo Defortuna, Erin Boisson Aries, Erin Boisson Aries Team, Florida, Fortune Development Sales, Fortune International Group, international real estate, Leo Medeiros, Luxury Living Group, Marcelo Kingston, Miami, Miami Beach, Miami Beach penthouses, miami beach real estate, Miami penthouses, miami real estate, Multiplan Real Estate Asset Management, New York, New York City, New York City penthouses, One Beacon Court, San Francisco, San Francisco penthouses, San Francisco Real Estate